Okinawa Main Island South

Whale Watching/SEASIR

★Each year SEASIR team has spotted and successfully recorded 99% of whale appearances. If NO whales spotted, get a coupon to try it again next time.
★This is legally recognized by the government as safe and reliable whale-watching industry which operates for over 35 years.
★A veteran English-speaking guide orients you on the world of whales.
★Free of Charges :
・Hotel transfer within Naha city only
・Whale-watching booklet
・Date Downloadable photos
・Rental raincoat
・Hot & cold drinks on boat
★This is a 15-minute drive from the airport. Thus, an AM or PM tour is available for those who arrive and leave Okinawa on the same day.

Whale-Watching Excursion is an unstoppable offshore activity during winter in Okinawa from January until the end of March. Tourists and locals who keep on coming back to see the whales have an uplifting experience which makes them feel inspired and increase their longevity every time the whales appear just next to the boat. Everyone's excitement just can't be contained and see themselves screaming with satisfaction! SEASIR has been organizing whale watching trip since 2005. And each year, our team has spotted and successfully recorded 99% of whale appearances. With the use of an advanced equipment like sonar and radar by our naturalist on board, we offer you a unique experience that is worth reminiscing.

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Attention point

Transport Service
Transport Service
English Available
English Available
Mandarin Available
Mandarin Available
Wi-Fi Service
Wi-Fi Service
Credit Available
Credit Available
Plan detail

Entry Qualification

1. Age limit 0-80 years old
 ※For age 0-2 infants, a baby carrier with a harness attached to an adult is required.
2. Participants must NOT have any of the following conditions :
 ・Epilepsy, seizures, convulsions or under medications to prevent it.
 ・Pregnant women are prohibited to join.

Plan Validity

December 25th, 2021 - April 3rd, 2022

Two Sessions every day:
・AM trip Meeting Time - 07:45
・PM trip Meeting Time - 12:45

Package Inclusion

✔︎ Boat charter fee
✔︎ English speaking staff
✔︎ Drinking water
✔︎ Rental Life jacket
✔︎ Rental Rain coat
✔︎ Free Parking
✔︎ Guarantee of Whales *If no whales or dolphins spotted on the trip, get a coupon to try it again next time.
✔︎ Free shuttle bus for designated hotels within Naha area *Advance booking is required.

1. Efforts to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection, we are requesting cooperation from customers to abide by our 【Safety and Security Measures】
2. Wild cetaceans are not domesticated animals. The chance of seeing them is not guaranteed.
A) If no whales or dolphins spotted on the trip, you may get a coupon to try it again next time.
B) It is no provide coupon if there have one guest see whale or dolphins or whales blow.
3. Whale watching time is up to 1 hour once we found whale. Therefore, the return time may get early if whale be found early.
4. Time or schedule may subject to change vary due to weather and sea conditions on the day.
 *Guest may reschedule date or get a refund if scheduled trip is canceled by SEASIR Ltd. due to unfavorable weather or dangerous sea condition.
 *For safety reason, we may canceled trip at last-minute if sea condition is suddenly getting worse.
・Jacket *Sometimes temperature does get very cold. Bringing a sweater/jacket is highly recommended.
・Wear sneakers or something with a rubberized sole for good traction from the wet and slippery deck.
・Motion sickness pill *If you are worried about motion sickness,taking a motion sickness pill about 30 minutes or an hour before the boat departs is highly recommended. NOTE:No medicines are sold in our store.
・Baby carrier *For participants who are bringing their age 0-2 infants, a baby carrier with a harness attached to an adult is required.

*Schedule shown are for illustration purpose only. Actual time may vary due to sea condition.

AM. / PM.
07:45 / 12:45 - Gathering at the Shop
08:30 / 13:30 - Safety briefing and departure
09:00 / 14:00 - Open sea
12:00 / 17:00 - Return to Port
12:30 / 17:30 - End of the trip/Shuttle service (Hotel within Naha city only)
Cancellation Policy
< Free cancellation fee >
・For rescheduling or cancellation, you must do so a minimum of 8 days in advance to avoid any fees.

< Cancellation fee - 50%>
・For rescheduling or cancellation is made 4 to 7 days from trip date.

< Full Charge Condition >
・For rescheduling or cancellation is made 0-3 days from trip date;
・NO SHOW or Unable to turn up at the designated meeting location and time for any reason;
・Undisclosed health conditions to SEASIR Travel when booking was made;
 *Before making a reservation, please make sure that all participants must NOT have any of the following conditions :
  A) Epilepsy, seizures, convulsions or under medications to prevent it.
  B) Pregnant women are prohibited to join.
< Payment Refundable Condition >
・Trip cancellation by SEASIR due to unfavorable weather/sea condition.

●32-seater boat (Max 25 pp):¥89,000
●50-seater boat (Max 40 pp):¥148,000


Meeting point

Please use this phone number 098-869-6329 key in the Car Navigation system or use this

MAP CODE 33246627 *42

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